The last thing most boyfriends or girlfriends wants to think about is another person being with you sexually or you hooking up with some random meaningless person. Thinking about other people having their way with you can drive them crazy. I must admit, you would have to put me in a straight jacket. I do not want to know. However, some people want to hear all of the sordid details. Oh Boy!

Have you had a wild sexual history that's filled with lots of experience? If so, your significant other might have trouble dealing with this. But this is something that they must accept if they want to be with you. Don't ever let someone else bring up your history and use it against you? Let it stay there if it's ancient history (or only a few months ago), and move on.

They must accept you for all that you are. If your mate has chosen to be with you, they need to take you for who you are. And that means everything. It doesn't mean they have to like your sexual history, of course, but it means they can't hold it against you. It's entirely unfair for them to want to date you and then start knit-picking about details from your past.

If they are constantly bringing up your past, tell them straight out that they will have to accept everything about you if they want to date you. Let your lover know they have two choices:

a) You end the relationship

b) You stay together, but they are not allowed to bring up your sexual history again. Never. Not even when you and your partner are fighting.

Move on after learning from your mistakes. The fleeting pleasures of sex and hooking up might have long-term consequences for your reputation, health, and self-esteem, especially for women. We all know how some men and women like to label a woman who has had many partners. However, you're doing the right thing if you've decided to change your promiscuous ways, and that's what matters most. Although, if you've only had a few hookups and your partner is making a big deal out of it. In this one guy's opinion, you might want to reconsider dating someone like that.