So you want to let your mate or loved one know how you feel about them in writing. However, you end up blankly staring at an empty piece of paper or computer screen for minutes or hours with nothing to show for your efforts. Maybe you jot down a few lines only to realize they are not good enough. Why is it hard to tell the people you love how you truly feel? For some strange reason, many of us find it difficult to say it let alone write it.  

Let's face it; most people want to be loved. But, when you are busy living, there never seems time to slow down and express your feeling. So often, we may think that those closest to us know exactly how we feel about them and how important they are to us. But the sad reality is that usually, they don't have a clue.

So what is the easiest way you can write a love letter that you'll feel happy to present and one that your loved one will cherish forever? Where do you start? Follow these easy tips below, and you will be on your way in no time.

1. First, write down five things that you love about your loved one and be as specific as possible. Rather than writing that they're kind, instead be detailed about how they're kind to strangers. Maybe it's the way they smile, or they're great at making people feel included, especially at parties.

2. Write down five things they've done that demonstrate how important they are to you, and again, be descriptive. For instance, maybe they were there for you and encouraged you when you felt most frustrated about something going wrong in your life. Or perhaps they knew how disappointed you were when you missed out on a big promotion at work and they cooked a special meal to cheer you up.

3. Pick the top three ideas from each of the above lists
and weave them into your letter. For instance, you could begin by telling them I love how you 
(fill in the blank) by including the three best ideas from your list. Also, you could say something like I loved the way you and mention the other ideas. Make sure you emphasize how their good deeds made you feel. Also, tell them how much love they have brought into your life.

4. It's good to write up a draft first and go over it to see if you can improve it. Occasionally it helps to write down what you want to say, edit it until it flows well. If you have writer's block, it's great to set it aside for a little while, then return to it for the final draft.

5. Buy some unique flowery paper and write out your letter. Do not worry if your handwriting is not flawless. It's who you are, and your loved one will appreciate the time and trouble you put into the letter. However, suppose your handwriting is awful, and you feel self-conscious. In that case, there is another way to go about it, use a romantic font on your computer. Still, it would be best if you only did that as a last resort. The more unique you can make your letter, the further your loved one will treasure it.

6. Now, let's think of how you plan on delivering this letter to them. Will you slip it in their briefcase? Post-it? Place it under their pillow before bed? Maybe you want to be there when they open it? If you would like to see their response, it's okay to hand it to them personally. Pairing up the letter with a small gift like flowers or chocolate can also be a plus, making the letter even more special. 

Still, you will want to include a mention if it's a birthday or anniversary or some other special occasion is involved.