Have you ever had remarkable success in one area, like house parties, but were unable to succeed with the opposite sex you met in a nightclub?

Often it is simpler for you to be more relaxed and social in one venue than another. Welcome to your comfort zone. You know how to say it, what to say, and who to say it to. But outside of that zone, you are lost! It happens because we often use specific external techniques and social skills that do not apply to every venue we might find ourselves. When you believe that you are a confident male or female and that you are among like-minded individuals no matter where you are, these anxieties and problems fade away.

How? Because your strength and resolve make other people change their behavior to suit yours. If Brad Pitt strolled into a nightclub or bar, this one man would have everyone in a completely different frame of mind, all conforming to his way of interaction. Yet, the people will bend to satisfy his needs.

Believing in Yourself Influences Your Body Language In A Positively Fashion

* 55% of communications signals we send results from how others see us

* 38% flows from the way they hear us.

* 7% comes from our words

Having a solid belief in yourself allows your body language to communicate confidence accurately. We call this "congruence," when your attitude and body language match your words. For example, if you say superheroic things to a man or woman but feel like a weakling inside, they will know instantly, and you will get nowhere with them.

Believing in Yourself Improves Every Aspect Of Your Life, Making You More Attractive

I saved the best for last. Believing in yourself development need not be limited to confidence and belief setting with women. It can apply to everyday life in general. You can rethink previous ideas as you'll never get that promotion, or you'll never make a good spouse, and then your subconscious mind will start helping you change so that these things can manifest. Being successful in life (and I don't just mean having a lot of money) makes you more appealing to the opposite sex, which boosts your confidence even more. As a result, it follows a cyclical pattern.


Not learning to believe in yourself can lead to ALOT of frustration and embarrassment. Without confidence, no amount of "manipulation" or "jokes" will allow you to have lasting success with the opposite sex.