Without a doubt, whether you're dating online or offline, you've been and will continue to be tested by women. Why? That's a long answer, and I stopped psycho-analyzing women a long time ago. However, even women admit that they don't truly understand themselves either! So, what chance do we poor males have?

Zip! Nada! Zilch!

So it's best to accept that they do and will put us to the test. When it happens, be aware of it and deal with it to the best of your ability. Here are some examples of how women put us to the test.

Why are tests being conducted?

1. Women test us to see how emotionally strong we are.

2. They put us to the test to see how smart we are.

3. They put us to the test because they seek drama in their lives.

4. Some tests are designed to make us uncomfortable.

5. They put us to the test because they can. 

6. Most important, women test us to see if we are going to lie. (It's highly likely women already know the answer to the questions they are asking us.)

The following are tests from the different types of women you don't want to be involved in a relationship. So be aware of these women and try to avoid them.

Let's look at the tests.

1) The age-old test of outrageously flirting with another man in front of you.

2) The age-old adage that "yelling at you for checking out another girl to see what you do" is a test.

3) The dreaded "canceling a date at the last minute for no reason" test.

4) The most humiliating of all, they get you turned on while making out, and then the woman says no to see if you respect them test.

[I'm not a fan of this one.]

There are many more tests, but this is sufficient for this article. Let's look at ways to RESPOND to these nasty little tests rather than REACT to them.

1) The age-old "outrageously flirting with another man in front of you" test. 

This one was tough to bear with a woman I had been in love with for a long time. I assumed she'd grow out of it. She, however, did not. So I learned to ignore her when it happened and enjoy my evening by chatting with other women or her friends. Remember, stay calm and do not bring it up or make a big deal about it. 

Instead, if possible, strike up a conversation with her attractive friends or other women at the venue. This will calm her down, and if it doesn't, you may be dating an unsuitable person who will flirt with you every time you go out. Only you can change yourself and your emotions.

2) The old "yelling at you for staring at another girl's ass to see what you do" test.

a. To begin, avoid looking at other girls in her presence. Men who can reframe get great credibility in the eyes of women. She is probably insecure and looking for drama. If she loses it for no apparent reason, please don't yell at her; instead, calmly tell her to calm down. Then, smiling, tell her that if she doesn't behave, you'll spank her when you get home. This should defuse the situation by eliciting a laugh, and she might want you to spank her for real! 

3) The dreaded 'canceling a date at the last minute for no reason test.

a. Isn't this disappointing? When she sends you a canceling text message when you are almost out the door. One of the best ways to avoid this is to mention that canceling dates is a big turn-off. When you state this when scheduling a meeting, it helps to prevent it from happening. We are all busy and must plan ahead of time to be effective. However, don't dismiss her because she may have a legitimate reason for it. Don't put up with it if it happens twice in a row!

4) The most humiliating of all, the getting you really turned on but then saying no to see if you respect them.

It's best to breathe deeply and remain calm. Don't sulk or try to force it. Just unwind and have some fun in some way. If you stay relaxed and she notices that you are not freaking out, she will most likely relax too, and you have passed the test. Let her initiate the romance, then gently begin making out again.

You've probably demonstrated your respect for her by remaining calm and playful.

You've got it now. Life will put you to the test; it is crucial how we respond to it.